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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'


"Music can change the world." Ludwig Van Beethoven


At Blackwood School, our music curriculum is vibrant and exciting! We provide every child with the opportunity to enjoy all aspects of music through an engaging and inspiring curriculum with plenty of musical opportunities. Whether this is singing in assemblies and choir, performing as part of our musical theatre group, learning how to play a musical instrument or simply appreciating music during class music lessons. We welcome visiting ensembles and an annual pantomime to inspire a love of music in our children. Children in Year 4 are given the opportunity to work with a professional musician to learn the keyboard and develop their singing technique. Children in Year 2 will learn how to play the recorder and pupils in Year 3 will learn how to play the glockenspiel. Throughout KS2, our pupils then use these instruments to support their composing and improvising skills.


In every year group, the children perform songs in our annual Eisteddfod, their annual class assemblies and wherever possible during lessons to enhance their learning. Singing also plays an important part in our annual Service of Remembrance, which takes place in November and our whole school carol service in December. Key Stage singing assemblies bring several year groups together on a regular basis to learn songs relevant to the season of the year. Our reception and nursery children perform songs as part of their annual nativities and are given daily opportunities to sing songs and rhymes together in order to develop their communication and language skills in a fun and engaging way.


Our music curriculum follows the national curriculum expectations and as a school, we use the Charanga scheme, Sing Up, Model Music Curriculum and other effective resources to enhance our teaching and learning. As of September 2023, we have begun to adapt our curriculum further in order to make more significant links so our children create music to develop confident and creative minds, in order to know more, do more and remember more.

Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115