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Art and DT Home Learning

Week beginning 18th May 2020 - Drawing a picture of your street


Support your child to take a look at the street and buildings around where they live.

Encourage them to think about the shape of the buildings and houses.

Here are some challenges to try and incorporate into your picture of your street:

  • Think about the lines you draw. Can you make some thicker and some thinner using your pencil?
  • Does anything on your street have a pattern that needs to be drawn? Think about the shapes on these patterns and how they're going to be recognised in your drawing.
  • Once you have drawn your street, instead of colouring perhaps you could apply paint to it using a range of tools, these include fingers, toes, hands, rollers, small paint brushes, etc. Be creative!
Below are some useful links to websites, videos, activities and online learning linked to Year 1 Art and Design.

Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115