Home Page

'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'


Welcome to Blackwood Nursery



"Nurturing the seeds that grow into Blackwood trees,

where learning is fun and friendships blossom."


Here you will find information about what your child has been learning, important details about nursery life and how you can help them at home. 


If you have any questions about your child and their learning, please speak to a member of nursery staff or contact the school office.


If your child has a particular interest at the moment, then please let us know and if several children have the same interests we can include this in our planning and provision. 



What Does Your Child Need For Nursery?


*A named school uniform and shoes.

*A named water proof coat with a hood.

* A named hat and pair of gloves when it's cold.

*A named sunhat when it's warm.

*A named water bottle.

*A named lunch box if they are staying for lunch and no hot meal has been ordered.

*A named plastic school bag, provided by the school (this bag is for your child's pictures and letters only).

*A smile!


Please note that we have a supply of spare clothes if they are needed.


How To Help Your Child At Home


*Practise putting their coat on independently. This includes putting their arms the right way round if they are inside out. Then practise zipping up their coat. 

*Remind them to tidy up their toys when they have finished playing.

*Encourage them to be independent: using the toilet, washing their hands, getting a drink when they are thirsty, getting a tissue when needed, peeling their own fruit.

*To talk in sentences to express their needs, interests and ideas.

*To understand and respond to simple instructions.

*To hold a pencil with 2 fingers and a thumb, no longer using a grasp hold.

If your child is well enough, please read the information below for ideas of how to support y6our child at home. 


Children in nursery learn best through play. We use the their interests to guide and develop their learning. You can use some of the ideas below and adapt them based upon your child's interests. 


Please encourage your child to continue practising writing their name. The 'name writing guide' can be found in the support section on this page, along with the letter formation rhymes.   

Useful Websites

Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115