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Religious Education

Welcome to Religious Education at Blackwood School.

Religious Education at Blackwood School.

Blackwood School is excited to announce further developments in our Religious Education curriculum through the use and adaptation of the new Walsall SACRE Agreed Syllabus for RE. Through questioning, response to religious texts and practices and research-based tasks, our children will be supported in further developing their skills, enabling them to become respectful members of their own and wider world community.

Religious education at Blackwood school provides insights into aspects of the variety of world religons represented by our pupils and also supports and acknowledges those of spiritual or no belief. Our aim is to further the knowledge, understanding and acceptance of the beliefs and teachings of others, working towards a harmonious membership of a culturally diverse community. Through links to British Values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty , mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.) we are able to respond and question, sharing individual opinion supported by well chosen examples from our topics of study.

Throughout our lessons, run the threads of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural foci. Recognising and developing these links enables the further holistic development of our children. Identifying positive influences and role models, lessons to be learnt or what may be truly important in our lives are regular themes within our curriculum.

Learning in RE takes place in a variety of forms. Written responses, use of technology to research or take virtual tours, role play, site visits and 3D creativity and guest speakers are just some of the ways in which our children explore our topics. This variety supports and develops the different ways that our children learn and offers opportunity for all to make progress.




Key concepts in RE. (Taken from the Walsall SACRE document.)

RE progression through Blackwood School.

R.E. unit overview

Blackwood School follow the Religious Education guidance as set out by The Walsall SACRE. (Standing Advisory Council of Religious Education.) We are proud to be personally involved with the creation, adaptation and implementation of the new syllabus.



Introducing our new 'Share my world view' assemblies.

After listening to our children, we realised that they are very interested in the world views of others. As a result we are timetabling some 'Share my world view assemblies' into our collective worship provision. 

Today we celebrated our first assembly with three brave Year Six children who volunteered to share their own beliefs with their year group. 

We heard from two Muslim believers and one secular Christian. They talked about objects that were important to them, values that they follow and made links to other faiths. 

We all learnt a lot and were impressed with the standard of presentation and responses from their peers. Well done everyone. 

Mrs Leadley

Baby Blackwood is baptised.

We were very happy to welcome Reverend Mandy back to Blackwood. Year One took part in a role-play to baptise our baby doll and find out about what artefacts are used in the service.

Year Three.

Bringing the church to Blackwood.

Reverend Mandy from All Saints, Streetly visited Year Three to give us a virtual tour around the church.

She brought lots of interesting artefacts and explained how they are used.


Welcome to All Saints Church.

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Altar 2.mp4

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Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Year Five zoom assembly from Christian Aid.

Year Five were lucky to have a zoom assembly with a representative from Christian Aid.

She told us all about the history of the charity, what projects are undertaken and how faith inspires the work of many of the volunteers. We found out that the aims of Christian Aid are 

  1. Provide practical support.
  2. Speak out for those who have no voice.
  3. Change the political systems that create poverty.
  4. Pray.

Visit from Midland Langar Sewa Service to Year Five.

We have bee looking at the work of charities in our area and how people put their own faith into action. Representatives from Midland Langar Sewa Service cam in to tell us all about what they do and why.

Year Two make Christingles.

We had a fun filled time learning about how Christingle oranges are used by many Christians at Christmas time. We found out what each part stands for and made some of our own.

The most precious gift of all.

Whilst thinking about the Christmas story, we decided to learn about the presents that were given. We looked into a special birthday box to find the most precious gift of all.


Want to find out more?

Here are some clips that you can watch at home.

Year Three RE

Year Five RE

Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115