Animals including Humans
- Know some of the key features of the life cycle of an animal.
- Observe and talk about how animals change over time.
- Know how to take care of themselves by washing hands, putting on clothes when cold or taking off when hot.
Seasonal Changes
- Name and comment on the weather happening outside.
- Explore what it looks like and feels like in different seasons.
- Name the 4 seasons.
- Know what a plant is.
- Know which tools are needed to plant a seed and care for it.
- Know what a plant needs to grow through exploration.
- Name basic parts of a flower (leaf & flower).
Living Things and their Habitats
- Use senses in hands on exploration.
- Observe and discuss living things that live in and around our school using a wide vocabulary.
- Know how to look after our living things.
- Name common animals.
- Observe and talk about how animals change over time.
- Name forces ‘push’ and ‘pull’.
- Explore and talk about different forces they feel.
- Explore how to make simple toys move including push/pull toys and wind up toys.
- Explore shadows through play.
- Explore loud and quiet sounds through continuous provision, singing and noises in the environment.
Everyday Materials
- Explore a range of materials and investigate the suitability of these for different purposes.