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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'

Monday Guided Reading

Miss Neuenhaus' Group - Our focus for today!

Miss Breakwell and Mrs McFarlane's group:


Here are your RWI books and comprehension questions for the whole week. You won't see a box for our Guided Reading group on the other days because everything you need is in this folder. 


Blue and Yellow table - BLUE RWI book - How to make a peach treat
Red and Green table - YELLOW RWI book - Off sick
Purple table - PINK RWI book - Sanjay stays in bed


Take a look at Miss Breakwell's video to help explain your tasks this week

Miss Breakwell and Mrs McFarlane RWI books explanation.mp4

Still image for this video

Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115