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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'


Aliens Love Underpants 

This week in nursery we will be looking at the book, 'Aliens Love Underpants.' We hope you enjoy the story.

Aliens Love Underpants.mp4

Still image for this video
Decorate your own underpants using one of the templates below. 



To recognise and write the letters ‘p’ and ‘g’.


To say the letter sounds

  • Watch the YouTube clip to say them correctly.

'p' and 'g' are bouncy sounds. 


Rhymes to help your child remember how to write the letters correctly

  • Use the letter sound mat below

p – down the plait and around the pirate's face. 

n – round her face, down her hair and give her a curl. 


Activities to help recognise the letters

  • Hide the letters in the garden and go on a letter sound hunt. Your child could move in different ways e.g. jump to the letter ‘p.’
  • Hunt for miniature letters hidden in the garden/ around the lounge. They could use a magnifying glass if you have one.
  • Spot letters in the story books you share together.
  • Spot letters around the house on food packets, tv programmes, word art.
  • Spot letters when you are out walking.
  • Watch the alphablocks ‘p’ and ‘g’ episodes.
  • Make the alphablocks ‘p’ and ‘g’ character using the printable sheet to colour and stick onto a tube.


Activities to support sound skills

  • Give the children a collection of items and sort them into objects that begin with ‘p’, ‘g’ and other letters your child has previously learnt but may need more practise.
  • Collect items from around the house that start with the letter sound ‘p’ and ‘g.’
  • Play games such as ‘I spy’ to practise hearing the initial sounds in words.


Activities to help write the letters

  • Practise mark making the letters using cars dipped in paint. Move the cars to write the letter, forming it correctly.
  • Mark make in sand/ porridge oats/ flour/ salt/ sugar etc writing the letters using their finger.
  • Mark make with magic water – water and glitter.
  • Write the letters with chalk or with a paintbrush and water.
  • Write the letters in play dough using a pencil.
  • Write the letters using finger paints.
  • Make dens using any large boxes you have and practise writing the letters in the boxes.
  • Write on different surfaces e.g. in the mud, on foil, roll of old wallpaper, whiteboard, play dough etc.
  • Sellotape pens to cars and move the cars to form the letters.

RWI Sound Mat

How to say the sounds

Still image for this video



To describe their relative position such as ‘behind’ or ‘next to’.  

  • Talk about which way you need to go to get to different places. Use vocabulary such as left, right, straight ahead, round the corner... 
  • Give directions to find something you have hidden or talk through trying to find an item you cannot find. Use the vocabulary such as over, under, next to, between, above, below, on top. 
  • Whilst playing in the garden or house, encourage your child to move around and then say where they are standing. For example, I am next to the slide. You may need to model doing this activity first so your child understands. 
  • Encourage your child to chalk numbers and letters outside. Then your child can move around and say where they are standing. For example, I'm behind the letter m. I'm next to number 5. 
  • Use the treasure map linked below and encourage your child to say where the different objects are. You could even make your own treasure map to make it more exciting. 



Please look at the document 'Additional activities to support your child's learning in 40-60 months' and the new document 'parent support activities 40-60 months Summer 2' for more ideas how to support your child in the different areas of learning.

Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115