Shows an interest in representing numbers.
- Make your own phone or calculator using junk modelling and ask your child to mark make the numbers onto the phone or calculator.
- Write the numbers in shaving foam/ gloop (cornflower and water) or slime. (There is no expectation to form these numbers correctly. Encourage your child to have a go.)
- Play a game of skittles. Ask your child to keep score. They could use a simple line to represent 1 point or any other way they want to represent a number.
- Using the sheets below, encourage your child to ask family members what their favourite colour or fruit is. They could even phone other family members or friends to get more results. Then record each answer by using a mark, line or picture on the tally chart.
Distinguishes between the different marks they make.
- Mark making with water and a paintbrush outside.
- Draw pictures together. Talk about the shapes and marks you are using to draw the picture.
- Make a card or picture for someone. Encourage them to draw a picture and write a message for their card. The writing will be marks or lines on the paper rather than any correctly formed letters or words.
- Draw a picture of their family and attempt to write the names of people in their family. Point out how the marks are different when drawing and writing.
- Have lots of fun mark making with different objects you might have around your house. For example: spray bottles, old medicine syringes, rollers, sponges, different sized paintbrushes... Use large sheets of paper, a roll of paper or any old wallpaper you might have. Use the picture below for some inspiration. Explore the different marks the objects make.