At Blackwood School the children learn to read and write using a phonics scheme called Read, Write Inc.
It begins officially in Reception and finishes in Year 1 or 2 depending on their completion of the scheme. Nursery help prepare the children for RWI by following 'Letters and Sounds'. They build on all the speaking and listening skills in preparation for reading.
What does RWI consist of?
- Daily emphasis of the 44 'pure' sounds
- Partner work (The children work with a partner to help teach each other).
- Fred talking (Fred, a puppet helps them segment the sounds and blend them to make a word).
- Fred fingers (The children decide how many sounds the word has before attempting spelling).
- Lots of praise.
- Ditties and books (As soon as the children have been taught the sounds, they are taught ditties and quickly move onto real books).
What can parents do to help?
- Celebrate the books and ditties that are sent home and then PLEASE return them to school.
- Read the school reading books with your child.
- Share books from the Library daily.
- Use the half-termly information sheet to revise the sounds that your child needs to practise.
- Ensure that your child uses the correct pencil grip ready for writing.