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Applying the skills – Writing in role

Lesson 4

Today we are going to be writing in role of some of the shoes. Last week, you were asked to consider the different types of shoes that would be in the shoe shop, thinking about their personality traits. To jog your memory watch the animation up until 0.50 and read the notes that you made on Wednesday.




CGI Animated Short Film HD "The Small Shoemaker " by La Petite Cordonnier Team | CGMeetup

The Little Shoemaker by La Petite Cordonnier Team / Gilead Alais, Terry Bonvard, Charley Carlier, Romain Cislo, Pierre-Yves Lefebvre, Philip Lim, Benjamin an...

I would like you to choose 3/4 of the shoes who you would like to write in role of e.g. a trainer, high heel, slipper etc.


Before you write in role of the shoe, think carefully about what they would be saying once the store has been opened by the shoemaker.

E.g.  Trainer

“Good morning! Wakey Wakey all, I feel energised and ready to go. Today is the day, I can’t wait to sprint out of this store once and for all. I was born to be in the Olympics! How do my laces look?”




“How many hours have we got until the shop closes? I’m feeling tired already. All of this sitting about is just exhausting. I hope that it’s not too busy today as I need my peace and quiet. Do not disturb me!”


You only need to write short paragraphs, ensuring that you are including;

  • Punctuation (., !, ?, “ ___”)

  • Sense

  • Conjunctions (because, so, if)


Don’t forget to use the notes that you made last week. E.g. if you are writing in role of the slipper and you’re lazy and grumpy, think about what language and tone you would use. Would you have a positive outlook on the day ahead?




PDF link to the literacy task above

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