As from 1st September 2022 Mellors now produce the meals onsite for Blackwood School. Please find detailed below an allergen pack which must be completed and returned to Mellors via the school office if your child has an allergen or dietary requirement. Please also see below the welcome letter from Mellors.
For information on how to book school dinners on ParentPay click here
Under the Universal Infant Free School Meals initiative all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 may receive a hot meal without charge if they choose to. Those not covered by UIFSM ie Nursery aged children, those children attending pre-school, and Key Stage 2 pupils can receive a hot meal at a cost of £2.45. Many pupils choose to have a cooked meal at lunchtime and on average the school kitchen prepare over 400 meals each day.
Dinner menus are posted on ParentPay with 5 to 6 weeks available to book. We would recommend booking several weeks in advance to ensure you don't miss the deadline. Menu selections and payment must be made a week in advance on Parentpay, the deadline is Monday at midnight the week before the menu commences. This is to ensure the Cook has accurate production numbers and therefore we minimise waste. If you have missed the deadline for menu submissions, please provide a packed lunch for your child. Parents are not permitted to accrue debt on school dinner accounts.
For more information on ParentPay and how to make bookings click here
We strive to be a nut free kitchen, however certain suppliers will state that products may contain nuts due to products being manufactured in an environment where there may be nuts.