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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'

Week beginning 27th April 2020

Monday 27th April 2020

If you could build your own dream house, what rooms would it have?


Use one of these sentence starters below to start you off.

"In my dream house I would have... because..."

"I my dream house because..."


Think about what your favourite rooms in your house are now at the moment.

Would you have them in your dream house and make them even better?

How would you do this?



Tuesday 28th April 2020

Would you rather be an animal or a toy?


Use one of these sentence starters below to start you off.

"I would rather be an animal because..."

"I would rather be a toy because..."


Think about what an animal can do that a toy cannot do. Animals may be more interesting to play with.



Wednesday 29th April 2020

What is the best food to have for breakfast?


Use one of these sentence starters below to start you off.

"I love to breakfast because..."

"The best food to have for breakfast is...because..."


Useful words - cereal  porridge  sausage  bacon  waffle  croissant 


Think about what your favourite food to have for breakfast is now.



Thursday 30th April 2020

Write about your favourite sport.


Use one of these sentence starters below to start you off.

"My favourite sport is...because..."

"I love...and...because they are..."


Useful words - gymnastics  football  tennis  cricket  dodgeball  rugby  badminton  dance  karate


Think about the sport you love to play at school in PE lessons indoors and outdoors. Think about the sport you play outside of school in a club.



Friday 1st May 2020

Today if we were in school, we would have visited Botanical Gardens in Birmingham.

As we cannot be there today, we have found a YouTube link that takes you on a tour of the gardens.

Your daily writing challenge today is to watch the video of the tour of the gardens and write about what you see in the gardens.

  • Do you have any questions that you would like to ask the staff who take care of the gardens?
  • What plants can you see?
  • What flowers can you recognise?
  • What colours are around?
  • Is there any wildlife?


Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115