Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Local Governing Board is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
The Local Governing Board's aim is to take a largely strategic role in the running of a school.
This includes deciding what they want the school to achieve and setting the strategic framework for getting there. This means:
At Blackwood School, our Local Governing Board is made up of the following members:
Neil Taylor (Co-opted Governor) Term of office 05.10.20 - 04.10.24 LGB Appointed
Vice chair
Helen Watkins (Co-opted Governor) Term of office 19.11.21 - 18.11.25 LGB Appointed
Lindsay Charles (Staff Governor) ex-officio
Hannah Whiles (Staff Governor) Term of office 22.11.22-21.11.26 Staff Election
Shannon Moore (Co-opted Governor) Term of office 12.04.22 - 13.04.26 Apt by LGB Chair GSLC
Emma Barnes (Co-opted Governor) Term of office 04.07.22-03.07.25 LGB Appointed
Thomas Dilloway (Parent Governor) Term of office 25.01.22-24.01.25 Parent Election
Sofia Fatima (Parent Governor) Term of office 11.05.21-10.05.25 Parent Election
Jenny Young (Parent Governor) Term of office 17.10.22-16.10.26 Parent Election
Clerk to Governors - Claire Walker
Retired in the Previous Academic Year
Eve Higginson (LA Governor) Term of office 18.06.21-06.12.21
Chris Lane (Parent Governor) Term of office 19.12.18-04.01.22-
Tejinder Malhi (Co-opted Governor) Term of office 30.11.20 - 15.07.22
Emma Massey (Staff Governor) Term of office 22.11.17-21.11.21
Angela Mott (Co-opted Governor) Term of office 09.7.20-08.11.21
Jinn Kudhail (Parent Governor) Term of office 31.01.20-16.10.22 Parent Election
Bayant Bhogal (Parent Governor) Term of office 17.10.22-16.10.26 Parent Election
Andrew Parker (Co-opted Governor) Term of office 14.07.21-19.02.23Appointed by LGB