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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'

Year 4

 Have a look at your new year group page to meet your new trusted adults in Year 5. You will also find at the top of the page a link to the Year 5 autumn newsletter. 



A very warm welcome to our Year 4 children and families from the whole of the Year 4 team. 

Mrs Kalam, Mrs Rigby, Mrs Lynch, Mrs Hennessy, Mrs Parker and Miss Brace are always happy to support you. 



In this section of our website, you will find news and photographs of some of the activities and learning the children have been involved in.


Please refer to the relevant sections to support your child at home. 


The children will be set homework every Friday. They must ensure that their completed homework is handed into their class teacher the following Friday. 


Weekly, children should complete:

  • Spelling homework
  • Times Tables practice
  • An additional piece of homework

Weekly spellings will be sent out and we will be providing opportunities throughout the week and school year to ensure the children are using and spelling these words correctly. Times tables should be practised regularly at home to support children in their learning in Maths. Most weeks, an additional piece of homework will be set. This could for Maths, Literacy or the Wider Curriculum.

Homework will be sent out through your child’s Google account unless otherwise stated.



To support the children’s reading, we will be sending home reading books. There will be a range of reading books for your child to select from:

  • Reading scheme book: This should be changed every 1 to 2 weeks depending on the length of the book.
  • ‘Recommended Read’ book: There are 10 books for the children to select from. Throughout the year, they should aim to read as many of these as possible. Please keep these books in good condition so that they can be enjoyed by other children too.
  • Library book: Your child will choose a library book on Friday that can be read at home. Please encourage your child to read their book and return it at an appropriate time.


Our Library sessions will be on a Friday afternoon. 

Summer Homework


As part of our transition Art work, we will be focusing on the artist David Hockney.

During the summer break, please follow the link below to research David Hockney.

Please  think of the most creative way to present your findings. You  may decide to do some art, write a repot or maybe take photographs in the same style as Hockney. 


Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115