Welcome to RE in the summer term.
I hope you are all well and safely enjoyed the sun.
I am looking forward to seeing your RE work. Please send it to year4@blackwood.walsall.sch.uk
Take care,
Mrs Leadley
Work for the week beginning 13th July.
You have been working very hard so now it's time to test the grown ups!
Have a go at filling in my quiz and then give your grown up a copy. Can they fill it in??
I am looking forward to seeing your answers.
Work for the week beginning 6th July.
How good are you at forgiving people? Tough question!
We're looking at how stories from the Bible might help teach people how to care about someone else.
Christians believe that Jesus told stories called parables to help people learn and understand things that were difficult to understand.
The story of 'The prodigal (or lost) Son.' is one of these parables.
Watch the clip and answer these questions.
1. Who was wrong?
2.What might have happened to end the story?
3.Who was forgiven?
4.What effect did that have on their life?
5.What was the response of the person? Of others nearby?
6.Was the dad unfair?
7.Does being fair mean treating both his sons the same?
Christians believe that God is like a Dad them. That he doesn't stop them making the wrong choices but does forgive them. Have a think about these questions.
1.Would it be better for our class if we were all fair, or all generous?
2. Do we all need forgiveness sometimes? Why?
I am looking forward to hearing from you this week.
Take care,
Mrs Leadley.
Work for the week beginning 29th June
This week we're thinking about another very famous Christian, Mother (Saint) Teresa.
Have a look at the power point and follow the instructions.
Stay cool in this heat!
Mrs Leadley
Work for the week beginning 22nd June.
This week we think about how to build up someone by making them feel better about themselves. What can you do for them? There's a great song in the power point to listen to. Could you draw a wall of bricks, each with an idea about how to 'build' someone else up?
Work for the week beginning 15th June.
We're still thinking about how to care for ourselves and other people this week.
We're going to look back at a story that you first heard in Year Two. The story of Zacchaeus.
Look at the power point and think about the questions.
Work for the week beginning 8th June.
Lots of people are thinking about others at the moment and trying to help them. Jesus used stories called parables to teach his followers about ideas that might be difficult to understand. This week's parable is all about 'The Good Samaritan.'
I am looking forward to getting your emails.
Take care,
Mrs Leadley
Work for the week beginning 1st June
This week we're thinking about what's fair and unfair. Please could you send me your thoughts. I look forward to seeing what you've been doing.
Take care,
Mrs Leadley