To contact the Year 6 team, please email:
Working from home
Dear parents/carers and children,
We have put together a series of activities for any Year 6 pupils (who are working from home and self-isolating at the moment) to access. The activities suggested will give the children the opportunity to keep practising key skills through a variety of tasks whilst not at school. We will continue to add to the sections so please check in regularly for updated resources and work/task suggestions. We have also included answer pages for the PaG, Reading and Maths practice papers/tasks uploaded in order for you to go through tasks together and as a self-marking exercise which will give the children some instant feedback.
We hope you find the resources useful.
The Year 6 teaching team
Dear parents/carers,
Twinkl are currently offering all schools, parents and carers the opportunity to access their educational resources for free over the next month - called a 'One Month Ultimate Membership'. They have agreed to extend this offer to parents/carers in order to support you and provide you with additional resources at home during the Coronavirus pandemic. In order to access the resources for yourself, please go to and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS
We hope you find the Twinkl resources useful when supporting your child at home,
The Year 6 teaching team.
RE work for the week beginning 18th May.
This week I would like you to have a look at a religion that you haven't covered so much. Judaism.
Click on the link below to see your activity.
Looking forward to seeing what you can find out.
Mrs Leadley and Miss Mason.
Work for the week beginning 11th May.
I hope you all enjoyed the V.E. day celebrations. As you know, Muslim people are observing the holy month of Ramadan and are trying harder to help people in need around them and further afield.
Your work for this week is to find out more about Humanism. I would like you choose an interesting way to show your learning and send it to me on the Year Six email.
Keep safe and try to help someone else today.
Mrs Leadley and Miss Mason.
RE work for the week beginning 4th May 2020.
I hope you are all well and helping out at home.
This week's RE work looks at the holy month of Ramadan. What can you remember about it?
Head to BBC Bitesize daily to watch the clips and take part in the tasks.
Please send us photos of what you've been up to. We would love to see it. Send your work to
Take care of yourselves.
Mrs Leadley and Miss Mason.
RE home learning.
Week 1/2
Are you feeling tempted at the moment? Many people are struggling with this but it's not a new problem! Have a look at the power point and make a mind map all about temptation.
Alternatively, look at this interview on Newsround. What is going to be challenging for those fasting during Ramadan this year?
Please send any questions, thoughts or work to I would love to see what you've been up to!
If you have been celebrating recently that I would like to wish you a belated Happy Vaisakhi and Ramadan Mubarak.
Stay safe and well.
Mrs Leadley and Miss Mason
Miss Barber, Mrs Sanders, Mr Pusey, Mrs Whiston, Mrs Youngson and Mrs Parsons welcome you to the Year 6 page. Here you will find useful information about what is happening in Year 6 and some helpful tools to assist you in your learning.
Summer Term - Gallery Rebels!
This term is all about art! We will be delving into art techniques, art theory and artists throughout history. Due to circumstances, we are doing our best to plan work which can be completed at home with the ranged resources families own. Nevertheless, this topic is a fantastic opportunity to appreciate a wide range of art styles and to develop your abilities as an artist and critical thinker!
Spring term - Hola Mexico!
This term, we will be developing our geography skills through our topic - Hola Mexico. The children will have the opportunity to study atlases, maps and even go on a fieldtrip to Barr Beacon. We will look at the geographical features of both the UK and Mexico and make comparisons.
Later on in the term, we will learn about deserts and have the chance to carry out our own independent research enquiries.
Next up - we'll delve back in time to learn all about the Mayan civilisation and debate our BIG QUESTION - Why did the Mayans die out?
During our Spring topic, we will also look at climate change and how this links to our topic.
Finally, we will bring our topic up to date by looking at the problems between America and Mexico and the reasons behind the tension.
STUNNING START - Fieldtrip to Barr Beacon
On Monday 20th January, Year 6 walked to the Barr Beacon Hill as part of our geography topic - Hola Mexico. The children had the chance to put into practice all they had learned about physical and human features by surveying the local area. We were fortunate to have a gloriously sunny afternoon with good visibility and well known features such as the Turner's Hill telephone masts in Dudley and Sutton Park could easily be seen. Year 6 got plenty of opportunity to practise and develop their directional sense by finding north, south, east and west points of interest using a compass to guide them.
Topographical Art
We have been learning about topography in lessons and have produced our own topographical artwork. Here's a super example from one of our Year 6 pupils.
topography: the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.
cartography: the science or practice of drawing maps.
Autumn topic: The Victorians
During the Autumn term, Year 6 will be very busy learning about The Victorians in our topic lessons.
Throughout our topic, we will be learning about many different aspects of The Victorians but here’s a taster to get you started:
Timelines of important Victorian people and events; the Poor Laws and the Workhouse (involving drama); child labour; designing a dollhouse using joinery techniques (including IT); comparing and contrasting events from the Industrial Revolution and technical evolution and comparing and evaluating differences between Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II.
We have lots to keep us occupied Year 6 so let’s get right to it and delve into the fascinating world of The Victorians!
STEM Project
Throughout the first half of the autumn term, Blackwood School took part in a project which taught pupils how to apply scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical skills. During this project, we were extremely lucky to be supported by engineers who assisted each year group with their project. Year 6 worked on solving real-world problems by designing and creating projects such as boats, bridges, vehicles and water filters. Here are some examples of our work:
Trip to the Black Country Living Museum
In November, Year 6 visited the Black Country Living Museum as a part of our Victorian topic. At the venue, we followed the Iron, Coal and Steam trail which linked to our STEM project and the Industrial Revolution - one of the key changes during the Victorian period. We also braved the underground mine to see what life was like for the workers in 1850. We really enjoyed this journey to the past and this experience helped us picture what life was like for a Victorian person.
PE: Days and Kit
Usually, outdoor PE will take place on a Thursday morning (with Mr Agnew) and indoor/outdoor PE will take place on a Friday afternoon. Due to potential changes in weather or other circumstances, children should ensure they have their outdoor and indoor kit prepared for both days. Can you also remember (especially if you have pierced ears) that all jewellery must be removed before a P.E lesson starts. Plasters can not be used to cover piercings. Your PE kit should include:
Homework in Year 6 will be handed out on a Monday and must be returned by the Friday of that week at the latest. Weekly homework will usually include maths homework, literacy homework and spelling sentences (which can be found below on this page). It is important that homework is returned on the Friday as, in Year 6, we mark homework as a class on Friday to address any misconceptions or errors together.
How parents can help:
Please find below resources and links to support your child at home.