Home Page

'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'


Welcome to Nursery!


Mrs Terry, Mrs Porter, Miss Wright, Mrs Broome, Mrs Egan, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Darrock, Mrs Haines and Mrs Felton would like to welcome you to our nursery page. Here you will find information about what your child has been learning at nursery and how you can help them home.


This page will be updated with information about current and future topics. We will also include newsletters, reminders and useful websites/apps to use with your child at home.


If you have any questions about nursery, please speak to a member of nursery staff or contact the school office.


If your child has a particular interest at the moment, then please let us know and if several children have the same interests we can plan some ideas in the following weeks for everyone to use.


Our email address is


Below is a useful document to support parents when playing with their child or children aged 0-5 years. It is a long document to read but it explains how we would support your child's play at school to enable them to learn through play. It also provides some useful activities.

Parents guide to promote early learning and development at home 0-5 years

Below is a list of poster summaries from the main parent guide to help you to access the information in smaller, easier to read sections.

All you need to know about starting nursery

What does your child need for nursery?

  • A school uniform and shoes
  • A water proof coat with a hood
  • A water bottle
  • A PE kit in the summer term
  • A smile!


Please note that we have a supply of spare clothes if they are needed.


How to help your child at home

  • Practise putting their coat on independently. Then practise zipping up their coat.
  • Remind them to tidy up their toys when they have finished playing.
  • Encourage them to be independent - using the toilet, washing their hands, getting a drink when they are thirsty, getting a tissue when needed, peeling their own fruit.
  • To talk in sentences to express their needs, interests and ideas.
  • To understand and respond to simple instructions.
  • To hold a pencil with 2 fingers and a thumb, no longer using a grasp hold.


Important Dates

Please look at the calendar for more dates






Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115