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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'

Week beginning 4th May 2020

Monday 4th May 2020

Imagine that a giant box is delivered to your front door step with your name on it. What is inside and what happens when you open it?


Use one of these sentence starters below to start you off.

"I opened the giant box and there was..."

"As soon as I opened the giant box..."


Useful words - mystery  heavy  light  letter  cardboard  cello tape 

  • Mr Kirby's RWI/Literacy group - try and use one or some of the following conjunctions below to join your ideas together. Make sure that they make sense in your sentence first.

but because or so if  


Think about something that you have always wanted to have.

It could be a present from a family member that you have not seen for a while.

It could be something special from Miss Mills, Mr Kirby or Miss Hodges.



Tuesday 5th May 2020

Which season is better, Winter or Summer? Write about the reasons why you think Winter or Summer is better.


Use one of these sentence starters below to start you off.

"I think that Winter is the best season because..."

"I think that Summer is the best season because..."

"In Summer there is...but there is not in Winter."

"In Winter you can...but you can't in Summer."


Useful words - weather  clothes  temperature  darker   lighter 

  • Mr Kirby's RWI/Literacy group - try and use one or some of the following conjunctions below to join your ideas together. Make sure that they make sense in your sentence first.

but because or so if  


Think about all of the knowledge that you have about seasons from your Science lessons in Year 1.

If you are in 1M, our class assembly would have been about seasons. Use the song lyrics from the Winter and Summer songs that we learned to help you make a decision.

Think about what your favourite time of year is. Is it in Winter or Summer?




Wednesday 6th May 2020

Write about a place that you would like to travel to someday.


Use one of these sentence starters below to start you off.

"I would love to go to...because..."

"I really want to go to...with my family because..."

"When I travel to...I will..."

"When I visit my family in...we will..."


Useful words - holiday  country  warm weather  beach   family   friends   animals 

  • Mr Kirby's RWI/Literacy group - try and use one or some of the following conjunctions below to join your ideas together. Make sure that they make sense in your sentence first.

but because or so if  


As we need to stay at home at the moment, we cannot travel anywhere around the world to visit. This is your chance to think about the one place that you would really like to travel to when lockdown is over!

It might be somewhere that you have already travelled to.

It might be somewhere that you have never been to before, but have always wanted to go to.

Think about what is at or in this place that you really want to see or do the most.



Thursday 7th May 2020

You answer the door and Mary Anning is on your door step. What would you do?


Use one of these sentence starters below to start you off.

"If Mary Anning came to my house I would ask her..."

"Mary Anning came to my house and it was..."

"I thought the postman was at my door but it was Mary Anning! I..."


Useful words - fossils  Lyme Regis  palaeontologist  family   beach 

  • Mr Kirby's RWI/Literacy group - try and use one or some of the following conjunctions below to join your ideas together. Make sure that they make sense in your sentence first.

but because or so if  


Think about all of the knowledge that you have about Mary Anning from your History lessons.

What was she like as a person when you met?

What did she wear?

Did she have any objects with her?

If you are in 1H, your class assembly featured Mary Anning. You could use what you remember from this to help put together your piece of writing.  

You may want to include some questions that you would like to ask Mary Anning.

Don't forget to use a ? at the end of your questions.

Here are some question words to begin questions - What  Where  Who  Why  When  How  




Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115