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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'

Week beginning 18th May 2020

Monday 18th May 2020

Here is a picture of an amazing magical bird, which can carry you anywhere you would like to go. Your task is to write a story telling where the bird takes you.

Here are some helpful hints for your story that you could include:

  • What does the magical bird look like?
  • Where do you go?
  • How do you feel?
  • How does your story end? How do you get home?


Useful words

fly   flew   travelled   saw  journey  


  • Mr Kirby's RWI/Literacy group - try and use one or some of the following conjunctions below to join your ideas together. Make sure that they make sense in your sentence first.

    but because or so if  

  • Miss Hodges' RWI/Literacy group - include an exclamation mark (!) and a question mark (?) in your written response with one of the conjunctions above.
  • Miss Mills' RWI/Literacy group - include an exclamation mark (!) in your written response with the word 'and' to join two ideas together.


Tuesday 19th May 2020

Emma's class have planted some bulbs. Look at the pictures to find out what they did. Your task is to write the instructions for planting bulbs.

  • List what you need
  • What will you need to do?


Useful words

watering can   grow   water   sprinkle  pot  


  • Mr Kirby's RWI/Literacy group - try and use one or some of the following conjunctions below to join your ideas together. Make sure that they make sense in your sentence first.

    but because or so if  

  • Miss Hodges' RWI/Literacy group - include an exclamation mark (!) and a question mark (?) in your written response with one of the conjunctions above.
  • Miss Mills' RWI/Literacy group - include an exclamation mark (!) in your written response with the word 'and' to join two ideas together.


Wednesday 20th May 2020

Last Tuesday, a storyteller came to Sam's school. Read below what Sam wrote about the event. Your task is to write a recount of a special event that has happened in your school.

Here are some helpful hints for your recount that you could include:

  • What happened?
  • How did you feel?
  • The best part was...


Useful words

visitor   assembly   hedgehog  World Book Day  Sport Relief  


  • Mr Kirby's RWI/Literacy group - try and use one or some of the following conjunctions below to join your ideas together. Make sure that they make sense in your sentence first.

    but because or so if  

  • Miss Hodges' RWI/Literacy group - include an exclamation mark (!) and a question mark (?) in your written response with one of the conjunctions above.
  • Miss Mills' RWI/Literacy group - include an exclamation mark (!) in your written response with the word 'and' to join two ideas together.


Thursday 21st May 2020

Emily went on a special day out with her family. Below is what she wrote about. Your task is to write about a special day out you have had.

Here are some helpful hints for your recount that you could include:

  • How did you get there?
  • What did you do?
  • What did you like best?
  • How did you feel about it?


Useful words

car   walk   animal   food  people  


  • Mr Kirby's RWI/Literacy group - try and use one or some of the following conjunctions below to join your ideas together. Make sure that they make sense in your sentence first.

    but because or so if  

  • Miss Hodges' RWI/Literacy group - include an exclamation mark (!) and a question mark (?) in your written response with one of the conjunctions above.
  • Miss Mills' RWI/Literacy group - include an exclamation mark (!) in your written response with the word 'and' to join two ideas together.


Friday 22nd May 2020

Class 2 are learning about how to keep healthy. Below is what Billy wrote about looking after his body. Your task is to write about how to look after your teeth.

Here are some helpful hints that you could include:

  • Why do we need teeth?
  • How can you keep your teeth clean?
  • Which foods keep our teeth healthy?
  • Why do you need to visit the dentist?
  • Perhaps include a picture of a smiling face with lots of teeth.


Useful words

tooth paste   minty   sparkly   water  fruit   healthy 


  • Mr Kirby's RWI/Literacy group - try and use one or some of the following conjunctions below to join your ideas together. Make sure that they make sense in your sentence first.

    but because or so if  

  • Miss Hodges' RWI/Literacy group - include an exclamation mark (!) and a question mark (?) in your written response with one of the conjunctions above.
  • Miss Mills' RWI/Literacy group - include an exclamation mark (!) in your written response with the word 'and' to join two ideas together.

Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115