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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'


Animals including Humans

  • Opportunities for children to talk about what they have seen outside, e.g. plants and animals.
  • Name and describe some plants and animals they see.
  • Recognise familiar plants and animals.
  • Share non-fiction texts that have an insight into contrasting environments.


Seasonal Changes

  • Draw attention to weather and seasonal changes.
  • Opportunities to note and record weather.
  • Share books about changing seasons.
  • Know how animals behave differently as the seasons change.



  • Opportunities for children to talk about what they have seen outside, e.g. plants and animals.
  • To know what a plant is and where to find them.
  • Name and describe some plants and animals they see.
  • Recognise familiar plants and animals, e.g. grass, daisies, dandelions, clovers.
  • Plant seeds exploring and recording how they grow and what they need.
  • Name basic parts of a plant (leaf, petal, stem and roots).
  • Understand what happens if they don’t look after plants.


Living Things and their Habitats

  • Explore and discuss the natural world using their senses.
  • Opportunities for children to talk about what they have seen in and around our school grounds, e.g. plants and animals.
  • Name and describe some plants & animals they see.
  • Recognise familiar plants and animals.
  • Identify the similarities and differences between animals in our local area and the Arctic.
  • Share non-fiction texts that have an insight into contrasting environments.
  • Carry out focused observations of the natural world.



  • Observe and interact with natural processes such as: ice melting, the effect of magnets on different materials.
  • Understand the words float and sink whilst exploring how objects move in water.



  • Observe and interact with natural processes such as: light travelling through transparent material, how a shadow is formed.



  • Observe and interact with natural processes such as: sound causing vibrations.
  • Explore loud, quiet and the different sounds different instruments make through continuous provision and music lessons.
  • Explore how sounds can be changed.


Everyday Materials

  • Observe and interact with natural processes such as: ice melting, floating and sinking.
  • Children explore a range of materials and investigate the suitability of these for different purposes, comparing them and assessing how successful they would be.
  • They will look at what happens to change some of these materials.

Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115