Working Scientifically (Key Concepts)
- Ask simple questions about what they notice.
- To understand the difference between observing and looking i.e. level of detail required.
- Observe closely using simple equipment, e.g. magnifying glass, egg timers, stopwatches and non-standard measurements.
- Follow instructions to complete a simple test individually or in a group, e.g. material absorbing a spilled liquid, appropriate material for a roof.
- Compare and contrast familiar plants and animals and decide how to group them.
- Sort and group objects, materials and living things according to their physical properties.
- Talk about their findings and explain what they have found out in order to help answer questions, e.g. class discussions of findings and what it shows, modelled filling out table.
- Explain, with help, what they think they have found out, e.g. Class discussions to explore findings and how to interpret the data.
Animals including Humans
- Identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
- Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores
- and omnivores.
- Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals including pets).
- Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Seasonal Changes
- Observe changes across the 4 seasons.
- Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies.
- Identify and name a variety of common, wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees.
- Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.
Everyday Materials
- Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made.
- Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock.
- Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials.
- Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.