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SATs information

SATs workshop information for parents - please find below a presentation which has been made to provide you with additional information. Where possible, aim to load the PowerPoint version rather than the PDF as the Year 6 staff have added additional commentary notes at the bottom of some of the slides for further clarification. If they do not appear automatically, click on the 'notes' icon towards the bottom of the pages. We hope you find the presentation useful.

Please find attached a copy of this year's SATs timetable and a few resources to support you at home

when working with your child. Year 6 children should be able to recall quickly and accurately their times tables up to x12.  We have attached some support materials for you if you wish to use them.  We have also attached a copy of the common exception words for Years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6 as well as a 'Heavyweights' reading and maths support document and a SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) glossary.  More information and support will be provided later on in the term regarding SATs and how you can support your child. 

The Year 6 teaching team 

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  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115