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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'


Lesson 11


Starter - Literacy Target 8

Main Task - Literacy Targets 2,3,4,5,8,9

Using the table that you created yesterday, I would like you to write a letter to the author of this story ‘Into the Forest’. I would like you to include your thoughts and opinions of the book but in a respectful manner. The name of the author is Anthony Browne.

Remember the features of a letter are;

  • The senders address
  • The address of the recipient (which we will leave out for this task)
  • The greeting- ‘Dear Mr Browne’
  • An introduction – Why are you writing?
  • Formal sentence starters such as; ‘I am writing to inform you’.
  • Paragraphs
  • Questions
  • A conclusion – What would you like to happen from this?
  • Yours faithfully
  • Your name at the end


Modelled Example

Dear Mr Browne,


I am writing to discuss and share my opinion on your book ‘Into the Forest’ as it is something that I have recently read.


Firstly, I have to congratulate you on the success of your writing, you are a well-known author at our school and many year groups use your text in literacy lessons.

I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of the text as reminded me of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, except with a twist which was very interesting as it is always good to have an element of surprise in a novel. Did reading ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ inspire you to write this book?


I also enjoyed meeting the different characters along the journey and I appreciated the choice of characters as I didn’t expect to be introduced to a boy walking through a forest with a cow. However, I do feel that it might have been nice to include another character such as a talking animal to add humour.


Unfortunately, I was slightly disappointed with the ending as I thought that it was going to involve a lot more action and adventure. A potential ending could have been that the red coat had magic powers which allowed the young boy to fly. The boy could have discovered this when visiting his grandma and they could have went flying together, finding a new location, leading to an adventure.  


Thank you for reading my letter and I appreciate you hearing my opinions and taking them into consideration,


Miss O’Dowd

PDF link to the Literacy task shown above

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