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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'


Minibeast Activity Ideas

We would not expect your child to complete all of these activities. Please choose any that may interest your child. 



Shows an interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or making arrangements with objects. 


  • Give your child an assortment of junk modelling in different shapes and sizes. Look at the shapes of the junk (there is no need to name the shapes at this point). Talk about what you can make and what shapes you could use.
  • Create shape pictures using 2D shapes.
  • Give your child a piece of string, ribbon or elastic around 3m long with a knot tied in the end. Your child can move it around on the floor to create different shapes or encourage other adults/ siblings to get involved and hold the string up. Ask your child questions about the shapes they have made. Have you seen a shape like this before? Where? How can you change it? Can you fit inside your shape? 
  • Collect different objects from your garden or inside your house. You could collect: leaves, pebbles, buttons... Provide your child with some containers so they can arrange the objects they have collected. Ask your child questions about the arrangements they have made with their objects. What have you collected? Have you seen shapes like this before? Tell me about your pattern... How does it go? Why have you put them like this? Can you make your pattern longer/bigger? What would come next? Why? Is that tray big enough? Can you find one that is?



I can make lines and marks that I want with a pencil.


  • Make marks using paint, water and glitter, felt tip pens, chalk etc.
  • Make marks in different materials e.g. sand, porridge oats, flour, salt, lentils etc.
  • Developing your child’s fine motor skills will enable them to hold and use a pencil with more control. Try some of the fine motor challenges below.
  • Try some of the activities below to help increase your child's pencil pressure:
  1. Using a blunt pencil encourage your child to make marks in playdough or clay.
  2. Put a piece of paper over the top of sandpaper or something else that is textured. The resistance from the bumpy texture will help to build up muscles in their hand. 
  3. Hand exercises are a great way to 'wake up' the hands before a handwriting task. Encourage your child to squeeze their hand into a fist as tight as they can. Then relax and stretch the hand and fingers. Repeat the exercise several times before beginning to mark make. 

Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115