Home Page

'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'

Year 2


Mrs McFarlane, Miss Breakwell, Miss Dodwell, Miss Brady, Mrs Pedley. Mrs Blower and Miss Brace welcome you to the Year 2 page! We have information on our ongoing topics as well as other updates on news and events of importance. We also have a digital copy of our newsletter which contains information about this term's learning as well as details about homework and P.E. Enjoy!



COVID Related Absence

Working from home whilst awaiting a PCR result

Please log into your Google Classroom Account and access the 'PCR - remote learning' folder. Here you will find 3 days worth of learning and activities to have a go at whilst you await your result. In addition to this, you can read a book from home and play Hit the Button to practise number bonds and timetables. 


Working from home after a positive PCR result
In the event that your child has to isolate due to COVID and they are well enough to work from home, please login to your child's Google Classroom account. The Year Two team will upload the learning resources that your child will need. Please contact the year group email on if you have any questions related to the work. 


Thank you

Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115