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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'

Year 5 Transition

Hello New Year 5!


Thank you for visiting our Transition page.  We hope that you find lots of useful information to prepare you for September.  To keep you busy during the summer holiday, we have put together different activities for you to enjoy.



Meet Ms Blunt, Miss Day and Miss O'Dowd

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Meet Miss Patterson and Mrs Youngson

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Meet Mrs Sandland

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Meet Mr Murphy

Still image for this video


There are 2 sessions of P.E each week. One indoor session and one outdoor session, although now the weather is brightening both sessions tend to be outdoors. Please note ALL earrings and jewellery must be removed by parents for PE days.



During transition library books will be collected in so that the library can be re stocked and the library borrowing system can start a fresh several weeks into September so please could you ensure that all school Library books are sent back into school within transition. Thank you.


Fruit and Snacks

Children in Year 5 are no longer entitled to free fruit daily under the government’s scheme and therefore we would suggest that children bring some fresh or dried fruit to school daily or order toast using ‘Parentpay’ for their snack at playtime. Please note that biscuits, chocolate, cereal bars, yoghurt bars or crisps etc are not permitted at playtime. No nut based snacks allowed.


Reading Books

Reading books can still be changed in school during transition by your child. The system in year 5 is that the child can change their book as regularly as possible but at least once a week. When the book has been read the child can change their own book. Reading books are your child’s responsibility and it is up to them to make sure they have a reading book in school each day and change it themselves. 





We can’t wait to meet you all in September!

Log of House Points

  • Maple 4467
  • Beech 4728
  • Oak 4728