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'Loving Learning, Learning Skills for Life'

Transition to Year 5

Hello New Year 5, 


Thank you for visiting our Transition page. We hope that you find lots of useful information to prepare you for September. To keep you bust during the summer holiday, we have put together different activities for you to enjoy.

The Teachers in Year 5

Welcome Message

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Meet Our Teaching Assistants 

Welcome message from Mrs Parker

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Welcome message from Miss Paterson

Still image for this video


When the children return in September, they will have a week of transition in their new class. During this week, we will be focusing on an artist. The children will also become familiar with the timetable in Year 5 and the routine. 



There are 2 sessions of P.E each week. One indoor session and one outdoor session, although now the weather is brightening both sessions tend to be outdoors. Please note ALL earrings and jewellery must be removed by an adult at home for PE days.


Fruit and Snacks

Children in Year 5 are no longer entitled to free fruit daily under the government’s scheme and therefore we would suggest that children bring some fresh or dried fruit to school daily or order toast using ‘Parentpay’ for their snack at playtime. Please note that biscuits, chocolate, cereal bars, yoghurt bars or crisps etc are not permitted at playtime. No nut based snacks allowed.


Reading Books

Your child should know their Oxford Reading Tree Level. During transition, the children will be introduced to the new Recommended Reading Books for Year 5. Reading books are your child’s responsibility and it is up to them to make sure they have a reading book in school each day and change it themselves. The children will be able to choose their Oxford Reading Tree level book and Recommended Reading Book in the third week back.

Log of House Points

  • Maple 8627
  • Beech 7121
  • Oak 7115