Our aim in Year 1 is to ensure that all children develop a strong and accurate sense of number. There are many ways that you can help with this. Here are some examples:
In addition to writing numbers 1-20 correctly, it is an end of year expectation in Year 1 to write them in word form correctly. Here are the spellings of numbers 1-20 in words to practise with your children at home.
3D shapes poem!
This is a great poem to recite at home to help your child recall and identify different 3D shapes correctly. You could even make up some actions to go with it!
3D shapes are fat not flat.
A cone is like a party hat.
A sphere is like a bouncy ball.
A cuboid is a building tall.
A cylinder is a can of pop.
A cube is like a dice you drop.
3D shapes are here and there.
3D shapes are everywhere!