If your child was born between 1 September 2013-31 August 2014, they are due to transfer to
secondary school in September 2025.This means that you must apply for a secondary school place for
your child by 31 October 2024.
To do this, you must submit an on-line application through the Secondary Admissions web page of Walsall Council website: Apply for a secondary school place (walsall.gov.uk)
You will also find, on this web page, an Information for Parents booklet which provides detailed information about the school admissions process. We strongly recommend that you read this booklet before making your application.
You should only apply through the Walsall Council website if you are a Walsall resident family. If you pay
your Council Tax to a different Local Authority (LA), you should apply through them. Contact details for
other neighbouring LAs are available in the on-line Information for Parents booklet.
You can list up to five schools on your application, in your order of preference. List all of the schools that
you are interested in, including those that may be located in other local authority areas.
The deadline for submission of applications is 31 October 2024.