Working from home
Dear parents/carers and children,
We have put together a series of activities for any Year 4 pupils (who are working from home and self-isolating at the moment) to access. The activities suggested will give the children the opportunity to keep practising key skills through a variety of tasks whilst not at school. We will continue to add to the sections so please check in regularly for updated resources and work/task suggestions.
We hope you find the resources useful.
Dear all,
Well done you have made it to the last week of year 4! The Year 4 team want to wish you all the best for year 5. Enjoy your summer break. Each year group has produced some summer work in preparation for September. You will need to look in the Year 5 transition starnat the top of this page to find the work. You will also be able to find out about your new teachers.
This week's timetable include mostly revision activities but remember if you need some help you can email us at
Keep well and keep safe over the summer holidays.
From the Year 4 team
Dance Link
To register an individual child from home - an adult must register by email to to receive the link to the weekly workshop You can learn the dance without submitting a film but you will need to register to receive the link to the workshop and so that we can tell Arts Council how many people have taken part. At the end of the 4 weeks schools and individuals who want to can send their filmed dances to BCDH to be part of the FILM “A NEW HORIZON of DIGITAL DANCING” Further information will be sent for this later Deadline for submitting filmed dance entries - 10th July so you have plenty of time to decide and rehearse and the film will be released in the first week of August - everyone will be able to see the film and join in the dance again.
Ideas to support your Year 4 child:
• Read every day. Ask questions about what might happen next
• Write a book review
• Practise timetables
• Practise spellings including the Year 3 and 4 Common Exception words
• Encourage addition and subtraction using money. How much change?
• Use everyday objects to practise fractions - how much pizza have you eaten? What fraction of the socks are blue? What fraction of the cars you can see are red?
• Make a plan to decorate a room and measure the perimeter
Dear parents/carers,
Twinkl are currently offering all schools, parents and carers the opportunity to access their educational resources for free over the next month - called a 'One Month Ultimate Membership'. They have agreed to extend this offer to parents/carers in order to support you and provide you with additional resources at home during the Coronavirus pandemic. In order to access the resources for yourself, please go to and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS
We hope you find the Twinkl resources useful when supporting your child at home,
On-Line Learning
Here are some links to a selection of free online resources and advice about online learning.
Pobble - Has a selection of pictures that your child can use to write a story, poem or report about. They can let their imagination run wild. will have the Year 4 section ready soon please make use of this site. The White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series lessons for each year group. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully.
Your child will have access to TTRock stars to help them improve their multiplication recall. A password has been set up for your child and this will be given to your child if they are in school at the moment or you will be made aware of it. Please use the time that your child is at home to improve their speed and recall of the times tables up to 12 x 12
Developing Experts is a wonderful science online learning resource that has and exciting experiments to help inspire and engage your child. All the Year 4 pupils will have access to a range of activities designed for exciting learning.
Mrs Kalam, Mrs Hitchman and Mr Pearce welcome you to the Year 4 page, where you can find useful links and information about some of the things that are happening in our year group.
During the summer holidays, the children were set the task to take part in a STEM project (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) project entitled 'Walsall Engineers: Past, Present and Future'. Over the summer holidays, the children researched engineering in Walsall and presented their findings. Year 4 researched the history of Electrical engineering in Walsall. The projects that the children created, were inspiring and truly captured the history of Electrical engineering in Walsall.
To launch the term, Year 4 have worked on creating a ‘flying machine.’
Every Friday afternoon, we worked on designing and building our projects. The children had a go at making a propeller and used these skills to improve their designs. Each week, an engineer came into our classrooms and helped the children and the teachers in the design and making process! On the 18th October, all the Year 4 entries will be judged and a winner will be selected.
We also had fun using Lego and Lego WeDo, to build a ‘flying machine’ to get a character from our animated story ‘ Soar’ that we used in our Literacy lessons.
Road Trip USA - we are looking forward to learning about the geography and history of the USA. This will include developing our atlas skills, learning about Native American customs and how to to plan a trip across the country. This topic will also include some special dance and artwork.
Black History
In October we learned about the many people who travelled from the Caribbean to work in Britain after WW2. They travelled on large ships, the first of which was the Windrush.
Up Up and Away
A visiting dance company carried out workshops with the children to explore how we can tell stories through dance. We then visited the Forests Arts theatre to watch a fantastic performance carried out by the dance company. The story's message was that it's good to be different.
See our Gallery page for photographs.
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General information
*Please make sure that your PE kit (both indoor and outdoor) are always at school. We might have the chance to do PE when we are not on the timetable. Your kit can be washed at the weekend or half-term.
Fun with numbers!
We have enjoyed using practical resources to help us in Maths to deepen our understanding of number and calculation.
The teachers in Year 4 enjoyed 'teaching' the parents and showing them the practical resources used in our Maths lessons. It was great to see you all so engaged.
We also gave reading and spelling tips to support the parents when helping their children at home.
Thank you to you all.
Homework in Year 4 will be handed out on a Friday and must be returned by the Friday of that week at the latest. Weekly homework will usually include maths or literacy homework and spellings (which can be found below on this page). It is important that homework is returned on the Friday as, in Year 4, we mark homework as a class on Friday to address any misconceptions or errors together.
Children will visit the school library on a Thursday and will be able to return and select a new book during the library session.
All of the children have a home reading book that they should read at home with an adult. These can be changed weekly.